Welcome to the DISC3D Data Portal

Upload, standardize and visualize digitized insect and fossil collections.

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How To Contribute

Sign In

You can sign in using your institutional account by selecting the option DFN AAI. Alternatively you can sign in via Life Science Login (e.g. with ORCID) or create a GFBio account.

Become an Uploader

Our Admins appoint you to your institute after your initial Sign In.

Upload and Validate Scans

Upload your 3D Scans and get immediate validation results. You can update dataset files if necessary.

About this Project

The DFG-funded project Three-dimensional digitization of insect collections - multi-view imaging and photogrammetric surface reconstruction (Project Nr. 495869174) generates 6000 highly-detailed 3D scans of valuable entomological and paleontological specimens.

For Project Members

Please Sign in to upload, standardize, and validate your photogrammetric datasets generated using the DISC3D System.

For Visitors

The 3D models and all accompanying data will be made publically available soon.

Dataset Image